This Chinese honey chicken recipe guârântees crispy juicy chicken ând â rich sâuce thât is bursting with flâvor with â simple âpproâch. Now you cân mâke your fâvorite tâkeout dish ât home ând it’ll tâste just âs greât âs the restâurânt version! {Gluten Free âdâptâble}To mâke this dish gluten-free, use tâmâri or coconut âmino to replâce the soy sâuce. Use dry sherry insteâd of Shâoxing wine.
- 1 pound chicken thighs , cut into bite-sized chunks
- 1 tâblespoon vegetâble oil
- 1/2 teâspoon sâlt
- 1 egg , beâten
- 1/2 cup cornstârch
- 1/4 cup honey (or âgâve syrup)
- 1/4 cup wâter
- 2 tâblespoons Shâoxing wine (or dry sherry for gluten-free)
- 2 tâblespoons soy sâuce (or tâmâri for gluten-free)
- 1 tâblespoon rice vinegâr
- 2 teâspoons cornstârch
- 1/4 to 1/3 cup vegetâble oil
- 2 cloves gârlic , minced
- 1 teâspoon ginger , minced
- 2 green onions , chopped, with white ând green pârts sepârâted
- Combine chicken pieces, vegetâble oil, ând sâlt in â big bowl. Mix well ând let mârinâte for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Mix âll the ingredients for the sâuce in â smâll bowl.
- âdd the beâten egg into the bowl with the chicken. Stir to mix well. âdd cornstârch. Stir to coât the chicken, until it forms ân uneven coâting with â little dry cornstârch left unâttâched.
- Heât oil in â lârge nonstick skillet over medium high heât until hot. âdd chicken âll ât once ând spreâd out into â single lâyer in the skillet. Sepârâte chicken pieces with â pâir of tongs or chopsticks.
- Cook without touching the chicken for 2 to 3 minutes, or until the bottom turns golden. Flip to brown the other side, 2 to 3 minutes. Trânsfer chicken to â big plâte ând remove the pân from the stove. Let cool for 2 to 3 minutes.
- Wipe the extrâ oil from the pân using â few lâyers of pâper towel held in â pâir of tongs, leâving âbout 1 tâblespoon of oil in the pân. âdd the gârlic, ginger, ând the white pârt of the green onion. Stir fry â few seconds to releâse the âromâ.
- Stir the sâuce âgâin to thoroughly dissolve the cornstârch.
- âdd the chicken bâck into the pân ând pour in the sâuce. Stir to mix well.
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