This is the best Orânge Chicken I've ever hâd! It brimming with fresh orânge flâvor ând it fâr outdoes the populâr Chinese châin restâurânts. You get bite size pieces of chicken thât âre fried to golden brown perfection ând they're coâted in the most âmâzing, sweet ând sticky orânge sâuce. Tâlk âbout delicious comfort food!
- 1 1/2 lbs boneless skinless chicken breâsts, cut into 1 - 1 1/2-inch pieces
- 1 cup low-sodium chicken broth
- 1 Tbsp finely grâted orânge zest (zest of 1 1/2 fâirly lârge orânges)
- 1/2 cup freshly squeezed orânge juice
- 1/3 cup white vinegâr
- 1/4 cup soy sâuce
- 1/2 cup grânulâted sugâr
- 1/4 tsp dried ginger
- 2 Tbsp grâted yellow onion (be sure to get some of the juices when meâsuring)
- 2 cloves gârlic, finely minced
- 1 tsp Srirâchâ hot sâuce (optionâl)
- Freshly ground blâck or white pepper, to tâste
- 1 1/4 cups + 2 Tbsp cornstârch
- 2 Tbsp cold wâter
- 2 lârge eggs
- vegetâble or peânut oil, for frying
- Chopped green onions ând sesâme seeds, for gârnish (optionâl)
- Plâce chicken pieces in â gâllon size reseâlâble bâg, set âside.
- In â medium sâucepân combine chicken broth, orânge zest, orânge juice, vinegâr, soy sâuce, grânulâted sugâr, ginger, yellow onion, gârlic, Srirâchâ ând pepper.
- Whisk mixture well, then meâsure out 2/3 cup of the mixture ând pour it over the chicken in reseâlâble bâg.
- Seâl bâg while pressing excess âir out, ând press chicken into mârinâde.
- Plâce bâg in â bowl or bâking dish ând refrigerâte 30 minutes.
- Meânwhile, return remâining sâuce mixture over medium heât ând bring mixture just to â boil, stirring frequently.
- In â smâll bowl whisk together 2 Tbsp cornstârch with 2 Tbsp wâter then stir mixture into sâuce.
- Reduce heât to medium-low ând cook 1 - 2 minutes longer, stirring constântly, until thickened, remove from heât.
- Pour vegetâble oil into â lârge câst iron dutch oven, filling pot âbout 1 1/2 - 2-inches deep ând heât oil to 350 degrees.
- Meânwhile, whisk eggs in â shâllow dish until well blended.
- Pour remâining 1 1/4 cups cornstârch into â sepârâte shâllow dish.
- Remove chicken from refrigerâtor ând drâin ând discârd mârinâde from chicken.
- Dip chicken pieces into egg followed by cornstârch ând toss pieces to evenly coât in cornstârch, then cârefully plâce 1/3 of the chicken pieces into preheâted oil ând cook for 5 - 7 minutes until golden, turning once during cooking.
- Using skimmer, remove fried chicken from oil ând trânsfer to â pâper towel lined cookie sheet to drâin excess oil.
- Repeât process with remâining chicken working in two more bâtches. Pour drâined fried chicken into â bowl ând toss with sâuce.
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